
A Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Unilevel MLM Plan?

The Unilevel MLM plan is defined as a compensation plan that consists of two legs (left & right) or subtrees under every distributor. Upon adding subtrees, a binary tree gets formed. New members joining after them are spilled over to the downlines or next business level.

Advantages/Benefits of Unilevel MLM Plan

Unlimited depth: Unilevel plan allows distributors to add members to unlimited levels and earn a high income. Group work: With left leg or right spilling preferences, the distributors become active as they have to balance the tree for compensations. Quick growth: Unilevel plan offers quick business growth opportunities. Carry forward: Unpaid sales volume (SV) after present binary payout cycle is carry forward for the next binary payout cycle. Spillover: New members after completing the first level is spilled over to the unlimited downline levels.

How to making a withdrawal?

Admin will only make withdraw manually